We are now accepting applications for the undergraduate program!

Virtue can be inspired. Making change can be taught. Education that succeeds does both.

Life at Outer Coast

Outer Coast is situated in Sitka, Alaska at the Sitka Fine Arts Camp on the historic Sheldon Jackson Campus. On campus and in Sitka, students study, work, and live, together as members of the Outer Coast and Sitka communities. 

Read All Stories

  • Student Life

    A Day in the Life of the 2021 Summer Seminar

    You’re awoken by a glimmer of sunlight streaming through the window of your dorm room. “Finally, a sunny day!” you think as you prepare for another morning at the Summer Seminar. You head to breakfast and grab a takeout box of eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns prepared and served by a few familiar faces: several former […]

  • Academics General Student Life

    A Conversation with Tukaan Dan

    Tukaan Dan grew up in Anchorage, Alaska and has attended two semesters of the Outer Coast Year in 2023. Over the course of his time in Sitka, Tukaan has become a leader in the Outer Coast community. This fall, he accepted a two-year term as the student representative on the Outer Coast Board of Trustees, […]

  • Academics General

    2023 Learners Teaching Learners

    In April 2023 Outer Coast hosted its second inaugural Learners Teaching Learners Tlingit language conference, in cooperation with a treasured group of Tlingit teachers, scholars and elders from across Alaska and the Yukon known as the Nerdz Ḵu.oo. One of the centerpieces of the Outer Coast experience, the language conference is an occasion for studying, […]

  • Beautiful sunset atop harbor mountain in Sitka Alaska

    At Outer Coast, we strive to create a setting for inclusive and integrative learning for all, rooted in the histories and cultures of the lands we inhabit.

    Our Campus

    Follow along! 

    No two days at Outer Coast are the same: follow us on social media to learn more about what’s going on in Sitka.

    Yeey aaní káx̱ g̱unéi x̱too.aat (May we walk on your land). Outer Coast is situated on Lingít Aaní, the ancestral home of the Tlingit peoples. We strive to build a community of safe, inclusive, and integrative learning for all. Learn more.