Our Values
At Outer Coast, we believe that in order to thrive in our community and in the world at large, we must cultivate our individual and collective health and wellbeing. We are committed to fostering a culture of health and wellbeing by tending to our relationships with ourselves, each other, our community, and the land.
We aim to do so by embodying the following values:
K’idéin ḵudusteeyí: To Live Well. Outer Coast strives to empower our community with the skills, resources, and mutual trust to live well as individuals and as a collective.
Sh yáa awudanéix’i: To Be People of Self-Respect. Outer Coast strives to cultivate respect for ourselves by showing respect for all things.
We are grateful to X̱’unei Lance Twitchell for giving these words to our community. Aatlein gunalchéesh.
Student Health and Wellbeing Resources
Student Support Staff
Outer Coast has a dedicated Student Life Team to provide primary support for all aspects of student wellbeing throughout their time in Sitka. The Student Life Team fosters a supportive and purposeful learning environment for students at the Outer Coast by providing guidance across the three pillars of the program, connecting students with outside professional health and wellness resources, and acting as all-purpose supports. These staffulty are present on campus and easy to catch throughout the day for a chat. They also host regular structured opportunities for support such as office hours, community study sessions, and teas.
Medical Resources in Sitka
Sitka is home to the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center located on Japonski Island about a mile and a half from campus. SEARHC offers comprehensive medical services including primary care, specialty care, behavioral health, women’s health, and dentistry. Other medical resources include walk-in appointments at the urgent care center and use of the free SEARHC Nurse Advice Line.
A student’s individual health insurance provider is the best source of information for what medical costs will be covered during a student’s time at Outer Coast. Student support staff are always available to answer questions, troubleshoot with students, and support students in navigating their coverage. SEARHC offers free personal shuttles to help community members get to appointments; Outer Coast staff members also provide transportation when needed.
Physical Health and Exercise
The Hames Center is a community recreation center located on the SFAC campus that features a gym, workout equipment, and fitness classes. Outer Coast offers free or discounted passes to students for whom gym membership is financially inaccessible.
Sitka has myriad hiking and running trails within walking distance from campus. Outdoor excursions are organized by students and staff alike.
Outer Coast provides some sports and fitness equipment, as well as a full complement of backpacking and camping gear for student use.
Mental Health
Outer Coast partners with mental health counselors at Sitka Counseling and SEARHC to provide mental health support for students. Our counselors come from a range of backgrounds and have specific expertise working with young adults. Counselors are available for in-person or remote sessions.
Mental health counseling is a free resource for students, and Outer Coast covers the cost for short- to medium-term counseling needs. Students do not need to provide insurance information and scheduling is confidential.
Community Mentorship
Students receive support in building relationships with the broader Sitka community, and many end up forming deep, individual connections with elders, mentors, and professionals throughout their time here. We can also facilitate student connections with specific mentors based on interest and background, when desired.