Students at the 2020-2021 Year worked in the commercial kitchen alongside a chef to cook all their own meals. 

“Cooking is such a big responsibility and it is taken for granted. I’ve learned that cooking is its own privilege. I’ve learned how to cut an onion! And about the chemistry of salad dressing. It’s called emulsion. I even wrote a paper about it. I learned things like kitchen etiquette and how to work for a team.”

Eddie (Los Angeles, CA, Year 2020-2021 student)

Yeey aaní káx̱ g̱unéi x̱too.aat (May we walk on your land). Outer Coast is situated on Lingít Aaní, the ancestral home of the Tlingit peoples. We strive to build a community of safe, inclusive, and integrative learning for all. Learn more.