Lucy Kim was elected by her peers in the Spring Semester of the 2020-2021 Outer Coast Year to be the second student representative on the Board of Trustees, alongside her classmate Eddie Gonzalez. 

“I attended my first Board meeting as a Trustee three weeks ago. In the two hours I spent in the Zoom meeting that Friday, I left the middle of the Outer Coast community bubble, which is always frantically mixing within itself to stay afloat, and ventured to the bubble’s membrane, where I saw at the surface, a group of people who are invested in what happens within the bubble from a semi-external perspective. The Trustees I met over Zoom discussed topics like funding and Board governance, surprising me with the extent of care they have towards the wellbeing and future of the college. I think as a student Trustee, I should aim to understand both the inner levels and surroundings of Outer Coast’s vision for itself and help change those environments with my fellow Trustees using knowledge of what it’s like within the Outer Coast community.”

Lucy Kim, Outer Coast Year Student 2020-2021

Yeey aaní káx̱ g̱unéi x̱too.aat (May we walk on your land). Outer Coast is situated on Lingít Aaní, the ancestral home of the Tlingit peoples. We strive to build a community of safe, inclusive, and integrative learning for all. Learn more.